TNT Big Ticket Movies

Every Sunday and Monday Night and On Demand

Available Movies

Allegiant 120 min
Allegiant 120 min Expires March 2
As a ruthless battle threatens humanity, Tris and Four journey beyond the wall that encloses Chicago to find a peaceful solution for their embroiled city. ..More
Avengers: Infinity War
Avengers: Infinity War 140 min New
Avengers: Infinity War 140 min Expires March 17
As the Avengers and their allies continue to protect the world from threats too large for any one hero, a new danger emerges: Thanos, who threatens the fate of Earth and life itself. ..More
Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn)
Harley Quinn faces the wrath of narcissistic crime boss Black Mask and every other thug in Gotham. But things soon even out for Harley when she becomes unexpected allies with three deadly women -- Huntress, Black Canary and Renee Montoya. ..More
Black Panther
Black Panther 130 min Expires March 3
After the death of his father, T'Challa, the King of Wakanda, returns home to the isolated, technologically advanced African nation to succeed to the throne and take his rightful place as king. ..More
Captain Marvel
Captain Marvel 116 min New
Captain Marvel 116 min Expires March 25
Captain Marvel gets caught in the middle of an intergalactic war between two extraterrestrial races. ..More
Creed 2
Creed 2 130 min
Creed 2 130 min Expires May 11
Life has become a balancing act for Adonis Creed. Facing an opponent with ties to his family's past only intensifies his impending battle in the ring. Rocky Balboa is there by his side through it all. ..More
Joker 121 min
Joker 121 min Expires March 2
A failed comedian begins a slow descent into madness as he transforms into a criminal mastermind. ..More
Justice League
Justice League 120 min Expires March 6
Fueled by his restored faith in humanity and inspired by Superman's selfless act, Batman and his new ally Wonder Woman recruit Aquaman, Cyborg and the Flash to help them save the planet from a newly awakened enemy. ..More
King Richard
King Richard 144 min
King Richard 144 min Expires February 28
Armed with a clear vision and a brazen, 78-page plan, determined father and coach Richard Williams inspires his two daughters, Venus and Serena, to become tennis champions. ..More
Kong: Skull Island
Kong: Skull Island 118 min Expires in 2 days
Kong: Skull Island 118 min Expires February 19
Scientists, soldiers and adventurers encounter the mighty Kong and other monstrous creatures after traveling to an uncharted island in the Pacific Ocean. ..More
Ocean's Eight
Ocean's Eight 110 min New
Ocean's Eight 110 min Expires February 28
Criminal mastermind Debbie Ocean and seven other female thieves try to pull off the heist of the century at New York's annual Met Gala. Their target -- a necklace that's worth more than $150 million. ..More
Rampage 107 min Expires in 7 days
Rampage 107 min Expires February 24
Three gigantic, mutated beasts embark on a path of destruction when a genetic experiment goes wrong. ..More
Shazam! 131 min
Shazam! 131 min Expires March 30
Billy Batson is a streetwise 14-year-old who can magically transform into the adult superhero Shazam simply by shouting out one word. His newfound powers soon get put to the test when he squares off against the evil Dr. Thaddeus Sivana. ..More
The Color Purple
The Color Purple 153 min Expires February 28
Epic drama of an African-American woman's struggle to overcome poverty, adversity, and a marriage to brutal husband and eventually find her dignity in a period that spans over forty years from the turn-of-the-century. ..More
War for the Planet of the Apes
War for the Planet of the Apes 130 min Expires February 28
A ruthless colonel leads his troops in a deadly battle against Caesar and his army of intelligent apes. ..More